COSHH Online Training


This COSHH online training course introduces staff to the COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulations (2002) which are designed to protect people against risks to their health when dealing with or being exposed to hazardous substances. The COSHH training course is designed for candidates who handle chemicals as part of their daily work, this online COSHH course is ideal for an induction or refresher to the new regulations.


CoSHH Online Training

This COSHH online training course introduces staff to the COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulations (2002) which are designed to protect people against risks to their health when dealing with or being exposed to hazardous substances.

The COSHH training course is designed for candidates who handle chemicals as part of their daily work, this online COSHH course is ideal for an induction or refresher to the new regulations.

We also have a face to face coshh training and split kit for group of 3 or more. This adds the practical aspect of the theory. The training comes with a 1 year certification.

  • Developed by professionals
  • Accredited by The CPD Accreditation Group
  • 100% online, learn at your own time and pace
  • Translates into over 100 different languages
  • Instant certificate downloaded

Who is it for?

This training is suitable to all staff working within Adult Health and Social Care.

Anyone who deals with or works with hazardous substance in their job can benefit from taking the COSHH and Spill Kit training course.

This includes workers in jobs like making things, healthcare, building stuff, cleaning, and labs.

Also, bosses, managers, and safety people in charge of making sure risky stuff is handled safely should think about taking the course to make sure they know how to keep themselves and others safe at work.


When will I get my COSHH certificate?

Once you have successfully passed our course you will be able to download and print your certificate immediately.

As this course has been accredited by the CPD Group your certificate will contain the CPD logo and unique reference number.

As I have told others… It is the best, most informative training I have ever attended.

About our Online COSHH Training Module

In this COSHH online training, you will explore:

1. Regulations that Control the Use of Hazardous Substances

In this section, you will learn about the important regulations that are in place to control and manage the use of hazardous substances. Understanding these regulations is crucial for maintaining safety in various environments.

2. Substances Hazardous to Health

Discover the different types of substances that can be harmful to your health. You will explore their characteristics, effects, and how to protect yourself from potential risks when dealing with these substances.

3. Potential Effects

Understand the potential effects that hazardous substances can have on your health and well-being. Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of exposure and the importance of early intervention and prevention.

4. Risk Assessment Control Measures in COSHH

In the coshh online training, you will learn how to assess and manage risks associated with hazardous substances. Implement effective control measures to minimize exposure and ensure a safe working environment.

5. CHIPS Regulations

Explore the CHIPS (Chemical Hazards and Information Packaging for Supply) Regulations, which focus on the safe handling and transportation of hazardous substances in port environments. Gain knowledge about the specific requirements and procedures involved in complying with these regulations.

6. Procedures for Using Hazardous Substances

Gain insights into the correct procedures for using hazardous substances safely. Understand the importance of following established protocols, using personal protective equipment (PPE), and adopting best practices to minimize risks and ensure your safety.

7. Bleeding

Learn how to respond to bleeding incidents and provide appropriate first aid. Understand the steps to control bleeding and the importance of prompt and effective action in emergency situations in this COSHH online training.

8. Common Workplace Injuries

Identify and understand common injuries that can occur in the workplace. Learn about preventive measures and safety practices to minimize the risk of such injuries and promote a safe working environment for everyone involved.

Take the first step towards a safer workplace by booking our COSHH online training today. Equip yourself with essential knowledge on hazardous substances, risk assessment, and control measures to protect yourself and others. Book online now and ensure a healthier and safer environment for all.

Key Points on the training

This course covers the following topics:

  • Regulations that control the use of hazardous substances
  • Substances hazardous to health
  • Potential effects
  • Risk assessment control measures
  • CHIPS Regulations
  • Procedures for using hazardous substances
  • Bleeding
  • Common workplace injuries

Benefits of coshh and split kit training

The benefits of COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) and Spill Kit training include:

  1. Safety Awareness: Employees learn how to handle dangerous stuff safely, making accidents less likely.
  2. Following Rules: Training makes sure workers know the law about handling risky stuff, keeping the company following rules.
  3. Less Risk: Learning the right way to deal with dangerous substances cuts down on accidents and spills, keeping people and the environment safer.
  4. Emergency Help: Workers know what to do if something bad happens with dangerous stuff, which helps fix problems faster and stops them from getting worse.
  5. Saving Money: By avoiding accidents and spills, training helps save money on medical bills, cleanup, and legal troubles.

In short, getting COSHH and Spill Kit training not only makes the workplace safer but also keeps the company following the rules and saves money.


When to Choosing between Online Coshh Course and face to face Coshh Course

Deciding between an online COSHH course and a face-to-face coshh training course depends on a few things, like what you need, how you learn, and what your job needs.

Here’s a breakdown to help you choose:

Benefits of Online COSHH Courses:

  1. Easy and flexible: You can learn whenever and wherever you want with internet.
  2. Money-saving: Online courses are usually cheaper.
  3. Accessible: They’re available everywhere, good for people who work far away or can’t travel much.
  4. Same info for everyone: Online courses give the same info to everyone.

Downsides of Online COSHH Courses:

  1. Not much interaction: You don’t get to ask questions or talk with others like in real classes.
  2. Need to stay focused: Online learning needs you to stay on track and finish the course by yourself.
  3. Tech problems: Sometimes the internet doesn’t work, and that can mess up your learning.
  4. Might not be what your job needs: Some jobs need face-to-face training.

Benefits of Face-to-Face COSHH Courses:

  1. Talking and learning: You can ask questions, talk with others, and get help from the teacher right away.
  2. Doing stuff in real life: Teachers can show you how to do things safely, and you can ask questions right there.
  3. Making friends: You can meet other people and share stories and tips.
  4. Might be what your job needs: Some jobs need real classes to make sure everyone knows what to do.

Downsides of Face-to-Face COSHH Courses:

  1. Less flexible: You have to go to class at a certain time and place, which might not work for you.
  2. Costs more: Real classes usually cost more money.
  3. Harder to find: It might be tough to find classes that fit your schedule and where you live.

Here are some other things to think about:

  • How do you like to learn: Do you like learning by yourself, or do you like talking with teachers and other people?
  • What you already know: If you already know a bit about COSHH, online might be fine. But if you’re new, real classes might be better.
  • What your job needs: Ask your boss if they need you to take a real class or if online is okay.

In the end, it’s up to you to pick what works best for you. Think about what’s important to you and what you like, and then choose the best option for you.

Let us Help you

We’ll help you find the right course for your needs. Tell us a little bit about your situation and what you would like to achieve.

We’ll get back to you within one working day.