• Level 2
  • 3 Hours Duration
  • 1 Year Certificate

Parkinsons Disease Awareness Training

This Parkinsons Disease Awareness Training course will introduce carers to the cause, effects, and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.

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This Parkinson's Disease Awareness Training course will introduce carers to the cause, effects, and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.

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Course Summary

  • Discuss the Causes of Parkinson’s
  • Discuss the Main Symptoms of Parkinson’s
  • Examine the Stages of Parkinson’s
  • Consider Treatment and Therapy
  • Review side effects of Medication

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Parkinson’s Awareness Training FAQ’s

Contact Us
    Where Do You Deliver The Parkinson's Disease Awareness Training?

    We can deliver this training at your premises, as long as it's within the UK. Also, we have our own venues in the Midlands if you don't have access to a training room. Furthermore, we are also able to deliver this training virtually using Zoom.

    How Many delegates can I have on one session?

    We will deliver this Parkinson's Disease Awareness training for a group of up to 12 delegates. For larger groups we can either provide multiple trainers on the same day or run multiple days to get everyone trained.

    Who Is This Training For?

    This training is for anyone working within the health and social care sector.

    Who Will Conduct The Training?

    One of our expert clinical tutors, these all have an abundance of clinical and complex care experience and knowledge – so you’ll be in great hands! We will let you know who is doing the training in advance, you can check out their skills and experience by finding them on our meet the team page.

Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Training

This Parkinsons Disease Awareness Training course will introduce carers to the cause, effects, and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.

The course will help your staff to develop an understanding of the progressive nature of the disease and its impact on the family and how they can improve the care and support they are able to offer.

Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects how people move because of problems with a part of the brain. It can make walking, writing, or talking harder, and sometimes causes shaking or stiffness.

There isn’t a cure for it yet, but doctors can provide treatments to help control the symptoms.


Parkinson’s Disease: Course Outline

This course sheds light on Parkinson’s disease, covering what causes it and how it’s managed.

1. What Causes Parkinson’s?

The exact cause is a mystery, but scientists believe several factors play a role:

  • Brain Cells and a Chemical Messenger: Brain cells that produce a vital chemical for movement die off.
  • Lewy Bodies: These clumps of protein build up in the brain.
  • Genes: Having a family history can increase your risk, but it’s not guaranteed.
  • Environment: Exposure to certain toxins might be a factor, but research is ongoing.

2. Main Symptoms of Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s affects everyone differently, but some key symptoms are common:

  • Tremor: Shaking or trembling of the hands, legs, or chin, often starting on one side and usually at rest.
  • Stiffness: Muscles feel stiff, making movement slow and difficult.
  • Slow Movement: Activities like getting dressed or writing become harder.
  • Balance Problems: You might struggle to keep your balance and have trouble walking.

3. Stages of Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s progresses gradually. Here’s a general idea of the stages:

  • Stage 1: Symptoms are mild, with tremor usually only in one hand.
  • Stage 2: Tremor might worsen, and stiffness or slowness become more noticeable.
  • Stage 3: Balance problems appear, making daily activities more challenging.
  • Stage 4: Rigidity and slowness are severe, and you might need help with daily living.
  • Stage 5: Standing or walking without assistance becomes difficult.

4. Treatment and Therapy Options

There’s no cure for Parkinson’s, but treatments can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life:

  • Medication: A specific medication is used to increase levels of the essential chemical in the brain. Other medications can help manage specific symptoms.
  • Surgery: In some advanced cases, surgery can be considered to regulate brain activity and improve movement control.
  • Therapy: Regular exercise programs, occupational therapy, and speech therapy can all help manage Parkinson’s.

5. Medication Side Effects

Medications used to treat Parkinson’s can have side effects, such as:

  • Involuntary Movements: These can be involuntary twitches or writhing movements, especially with long-term use.
  • “Wearing Off” Effect: The effectiveness of the medication can wear off before the next dose, leading to a return of symptoms.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: These are common side effects, but other medications can help manage them.
  • Confusion and Drowsiness: Some medications can cause drowsiness or confusion, especially in older adults.

By understanding the basics of Parkinson’s, you’ll be better equipped to support yourself or someone you care about living with this condition.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the Causes of Parkinson’s
  2. Describe the Main Symptoms of Parkinson’s
  3. Explain the Stages of Parkinson’s
  4. Identify Treatment and Therapy
  5. Analyse side effects of Medication


Benefits of Parkinson’s Awareness Training

Parkinson’s awareness training helps people and communities learn important information about this brain condition. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Spotting Symptoms Early:

People who receive training can better recognise common signs of Parkinson’s, like shaking, stiffness, slow movements, and trouble with balance. Spotting symptoms early means they can get medical help sooner, which might lead to getting treatment earlier too.

  1. Giving Better Care and Help:

Training teaches caregivers, family, and healthcare workers how to support people with Parkinson’s better. Understanding how the disease progresses, what treatments are available, and what side effects might happen helps them create a more helpful environment.

  1. Breaking Down Stigma and Fear:

By teaching more people about Parkinson’s, the training can clear up misunderstandings and wrong ideas about the condition. This can help make people less scared or judgmental about Parkinson’s, making the community more open and supportive.

  1. Making Life Better:

People with Parkinson’s and their caregivers can learn ways to handle symptoms and stay independent for longer. Knowing about the help and support available can give them the power to live a better life, even with Parkinson’s.

  1. Pushing for More Research and Help:

Training often talks about the ongoing search for better treatments and, hopefully, a cure for Parkinson’s. This might encourage people to join in research or ask for more money and help for Parkinson’s.

Overall, Parkinson’s awareness training is really important. It helps people and communities understand, deal with, and support those with Parkinson’s better.


Who Should Attend Parkinson’s Awareness Training?

Parkinson’s awareness training is helpful for a wide range of people and professionals.

Here are some groups who can learn a lot from attending:

  1. Healthcare Workers:
  • Doctors, Nurses, and Therapists: Training helps them spot symptoms, make accurate diagnoses, and plan treatments for people with Parkinson’s.
  • Caregivers and Support Staff: Learning about the disease’s progress, medicine effects, and communication skills helps them give the best care possible.
  1. Family and Caregivers:
  • Spouses, Kids, and Close Family: Training teaches them how to help and support their loved ones with Parkinson’s.
  • Friends and Neighbors: Understanding the disease helps them be more supportive and helpful in daily life.
  1. Everyone:
  • Anyone Who Wants to Know More: Training raises awareness in the wider community, making people more understanding and kind to those with Parkinson’s.
  • People at Risk: Those with family members who had Parkinson’s can learn about warning signs and risk factors.
  1. Community Groups:

Social Workers and Group Leaders: Training helps them offer better resources and advice to people with Parkinson’s and their families. Volunteers: Knowing about Parkinson’s helps them offer more tailored and caring support.

In short, Parkinson’s awareness training is useful for anyone who wants to understand the disease better and support those affected by it.