Infection Prevention and Control Online Training


Our  infection prevention and control online training is for all staff in healthcare and other industry. Note that this is a Level 2 online course. You will learn why infection control is important at work and other places.

By the end, you should understand what to do to prevent infection and also control it spreading.


Infection Prevention and Control Online Training – Level 2

Our Infection Prevention and Control online training is beneficial for staff in care environments. Participants will grasp why infection control measures are crucial at work. Learners will know their obligations and duties regarding infection control.

The IPC Online Course provide flexibility to study so that you can balance different schedules to fit your study time. You can decide to study on mobile and desktop devices at any convenient time.

Moreover, they’ll showcase and describe handwashing methods and comprehend how to keep surroundings clean.

  • Developed by professionals
  • Accredited by The CPD Accreditation Group
  • 100% online, learn at your own time and pace
  • Translates into over 100 different languages
  • Instant certificate downloaded


Also Available: In-person Infection prevention training and train the trainer on infection control training.


Who is the training for?

Level 2 Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) training is for a broader group of healthcare workers than basic hygiene training. Healthcare workers with some patient contact (care assistants, support staff) and those in high-risk areas (emergency departments) to strengthen infection control practices.

Essential for:

  • Direct patient care staff: Like doctors, nurses, dentists, therapists, and technicians who touch patients or their fluids.
  • Support staff with some patient contact: Like care assistants who help with toileting or wounds.

Highly recommended for:

  • Support staff working with patients: Like housekeepers who clean patient rooms or people who move patients.
  • Admin staff in risky areas: Like those in busy departments or units where infections are more likely.
  • Students on clinical placements: Students in healthcare courses can learn a lot from IPC online training Level 2.


When will I get my certificate?

After completing our infection prevention and control course, you can instantly download and print your certificate. This course is accredited by the CPD Group, so your certificate will feature the CPD logo and a unique reference number.

Completed Level 2? Start the infection prevention control online training level 3

IPC Training Course Module

What you’ll learn in our Infection Prevention and Control  Online Training:

1. What is Infection Control:

  • Understand the basics of infection control and why it’s crucial for a safe healthcare setting.
  • Learn key terms and principles linked to preventing infections.

2. Understanding How Infections Spread:

  • Know the chain of infection and where you can step in to stop it.
  • Learn about how infections travel and what factors help them spread.

3. Different Types of Germs and Infections:

  • Know about different germs, like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.
  • Get to know the various infections and what makes each one unique.

4. Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAIs):

  • Learn about HCAIs and why they’re a big deal for patient safety.
  • Find out how to prevent and manage these infections effectively.

5. Why Infection Control and HCAI Management Matter:

  • Understand why strong infection control is key in healthcare settings.
  • Learn about managing HCAIs and what healthcare pros need to do.

6. How to Wash Your Hands Properly:

  • Learn proper handwashing to keep infections at bay.
  • Get the lowdown on when and how to wash your hands effectively.

7. Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

  • Learn why PPE is essential for staying safe from infections.
  • Understand how to pick, use, and dispose of different types of PPE.

8. Preventing Infections:

  • Explore ways to lower the risk of infections, like keeping things clean and using disinfectants.
  • Discover how vaccinations help stop infectious diseases.

9. Policies and Laws in Infection Control:

  • Find out why infection control rules matter in healthcare.
  • Learn about the guidelines and laws that shape infection prevention practices.

10. Checking Quality with the Care Quality Commission (CQC):

  • Understand what the CQC does and how it checks infection control in healthcare.
  • See why keeping up high standards is crucial for infection control.

Join our Infection Prevention and Control Online Training to get the know-how to protect patients and keep healthcare settings safe.


Testimonials: As I have told others… It is the best, most informative training I have ever attended


Key Points

  • Definition of Infection Control
  • How individuals become infected through the chain of infection
  • Different types of germs and infection
  • Health Care Associated Infections
  • The importance of infection control and the management of HCAI
  • How to wash hands effectively and appropriately
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Prevention of infection
  • The importance of policy and legislation regarding infection control
  • CQC


IPC Online Course Learning Outcome

Here are some potential things to learn from a Level 2 infection prevention and control course:

After completing the level 2 IPC course, people should be able to:

  1. Explain how infections spread in healthcare settings and how diseases are passed on.
  2. Show how to wash hands properly following WHO rules.
  3. Talk about and use normal precautions, including wearing protective gear like gloves.
  4. Tell the difference between and use different types of precautions (contact, droplet, airborne).
  5. Do injections safely and handle needles carefully to avoid accidents.
  6. Use clean techniques when doing invasive treatments and caring for wounds.
  7. Follow the right ways to clean, disinfect, and sterilize equipment and rooms where patients are treated.
  8. Spot and report signs of infections that happen in healthcare settings.
  9. Explain how to keep healthcare workers safe from getting sick on the job.
  10. Talk about why it’s important to manage antibiotics carefully to stop them from becoming less effective.
  11. Put measures in place to keep infections from spreading during outbreaks.
  12. Follow the rules for getting rid of medical waste properly.
  13. Explain how patients and visitors can keep themselves and others safe from infections.

Let us Help you

We’ll help you find the right course for your needs. Tell us a little bit about your situation and what you would like to achieve.

We’ll get back to you within one working day.