Safeguarding in Adults and Children Level 2 (Wales)


Elevate your safeguarding knowledge in Wales with our Level 2 training course. Learn advanced techniques to protect adults and children, ensuring their safety and well-being.


Β Safeguarding Level 2- Adults and Children (Wales)

The Safeguarding Level 2 (Wales) Online Course is a comprehensive course that provides learners with the knowledge and skills they need to safeguard children and adults in Wales.

The course is specific to Wales, which is important for practitioners who work in Wales. The course is well-structured and easy to follow, and the course materials are engaging and informative.

  • Developed by professionals
  • Accredited by The CPD Accreditation Group
  • 100% online, learn at your own time and pace
  • Translates into over 100 different languages
  • Instant certificate downloaded

The course will help learners to understand the unique challenges of safeguarding in Wales and how to apply the principles of safeguarding in a Welsh context.


Visit Our List of Face-to-Face Safeguarding Courses For Groups and Individuals


Course Objectives

  • Understand the more complex issues involved in safeguarding children and adults.
  • Identify the more subtle signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect.
  • Develop more effective strategies for responding to disclosures of abuse or neglect.
  • Work more effectively with other agencies to safeguard children and adults.

Course Outline: Safeguarding Level 2

  1. Understanding Vulnerabilities in the Welsh Context:
    • Identifying specific vulnerabilities in adults and children within the Welsh context.
    • Recognizing factors unique to Wales that contribute to increased vulnerability.
    • Exploring the impact of vulnerabilities on well-being and safety in the Welsh community.
  2. Recognizing Signs of Abuse and Neglect in Wales:
    • Identifying different forms of abuse and neglect relevant to Wales.
    • Understanding indicators and red flags specific to the Welsh context.
    • Enhancing skills to observe and recognize signs of abuse and neglect in Welsh communities.
  3. Responding to Safeguarding Concerns in Wales:
    • Knowing the appropriate steps to take when a safeguarding concern arises in Wales.
    • Understanding reporting procedures and responsibilities within the Welsh safeguarding framework.
    • Collaborating with relevant Welsh agencies and professionals for effective response.
  4. Multi-Agency Collaboration in the Welsh Context:
    • Understanding the importance of multi-agency working in safeguarding within Wales.
    • Exploring effective communication and information sharing among Welsh agencies.
    • Learning how to coordinate efforts and share responsibilities in safeguarding cases specific to Wales.
  5. Risk Assessment and Management within the Welsh Framework:
    • Conducting comprehensive risk assessments within the Welsh safeguarding framework.
    • Developing strategies for risk management and reduction in the Welsh context.
    • Applying appropriate interventions to mitigate risks and protect individuals within Wales.
  6. Welsh Safeguarding Policies and Procedures:
    • Familiarizing with relevant Welsh legislation, regulations, and policies.
    • Understanding the role of Welsh policies and procedures in safeguarding.
    • Ensuring compliance with safeguarding protocols and best practices specific to Wales.
  7. Promoting Well-being and Preventative Measures in Wales:
    • Learning strategies to promote the well-being and resilience of adults and children in the Welsh context.
    • Implementing preventative measures to minimize the risk of abuse and neglect in Wales.
    • Building supportive environments and fostering a culture of safeguarding within Welsh communities.

Why Choose This Course?

  • This Level 2 safeguarding course is delivered online, so you can study at your own pace and from anywhere in the world.
  • The course materials are comprehensive and engaging, and they include videos, readings, and interactive exercises.
  • The course is CPD certified. CPD certification signifies that a course meets quality standards and offers valuable learning opportunities for professionals.


  • The course will be assessed by a multiple-choice quiz, a short essay, and a role-play exercise.
  • The quiz will test the learner’s knowledge of the key concepts in safeguarding.
  • The essay will allow the learner to demonstrate their understanding of the principles of safeguarding and their ability to apply them in real-life situations.
  • The role-play exercise will allow the learner to practice their skills in responding to disclosures of abuse or neglect.


  • The course will take approximately 4 hours to complete.


  • The Level 2 safeguarding course will be delivered online through a learning management system (LMS).
  • The LMS will provide access to the course materials, including videos, readings, and interactive exercises.
  • The learner will be able to progress through the course at their own pace.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is safeguarding children and adults at risk level 2?

Level 2 safeguarding for children and adults at risk is the next step after basic training ( see safeguarding level 1 online training).

It helps people learn more about identifying and responding to abuse and keeping others safe.

The training covers topics like recognizing signs of harm, working with different agencies, and following the right procedures.

Level 2 equips individuals to make informed decisions and protect those they work with.

How long does a Level 2 safeguarding certificate last?

The duration of a Level 2 safeguarding certificate varies, typically lasting between 1 to 3 years. Renewal or refresher training is required to maintain the currency of knowledge and skills in safeguarding practices beyond the initial certificate duration.

What are the safeguarding levels in Wales?

In Wales, safeguarding is divided into three levels.
  • Level 1 focuses on promoting well-being and prevention.
  • Level 2 provides early help and support. and
  • Level 3 addresses child protection when there are concerns of significant harm.
These levels guide professionals in effectively responding to safeguarding concerns at different levels of risk.

Which group is Safeguarding Level 2 aimed at?

Level 2 safeguarding training is for people who work closely with vulnerable individuals, like:
  • social workers,
  • teachers, and
  • healthcare workers.
It helps them understand how to protect and support those at risk and prevent harm.

What are the Wales Safeguarding Procedures?

The Wales Safeguarding Procedures are a set of guidelines and protocols designed to promote consistency and best practices in safeguarding vulnerable individuals across Wales.

These procedures provide a framework for professionals and organizations involved in safeguarding to effectively identify, respond to, and prevent abuse, neglect, or harm.

The Wales Safeguarding Procedures outline the steps and processes that professionals and organizations must follow when concerns arise regarding the safety or well-being of children, adults at risk, or specific vulnerable groups.

They cover a wide range of topics, including reporting procedures, information sharing, risk assessment, multi-agency collaboration, and support services.

These procedures are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure alignment with current legislation, research, and best practices in safeguarding.

They serve as a comprehensive resource for professionals, guiding them in their safeguarding responsibilities and helping to create a safe and supportive environment for individuals across Wales.

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